Privacy on this website

This website makes a record of the user's visits and logs anonymous information for statistical purposes, such as the IP address of the user's computer, the top-level domain name of the user (such as .com or .au), the data and time of the user's visit, what pages on the site were accessed, what search terms were used, etc. This information is only collected for statistical and debugging purposes; that is, the information is only used in order to make the website function better.

No attempt will be made to identify the user except in the very unlikely event that an investigation is necessary, where a law enforcement agency alone would have the power to inspect the records of the Internet Service Provider to obtain this information.

Information collected is stored in an appropriately secure format and held for archival purposes. When the information is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected it may be deleted.

We will ask you when we need you to provide further personal information for any reason. Generally, we will only collect further personal information that is related to the services that you ask us to provide to you.

Cookies are small pieces of text data that a web server can store on, and later retrieve from, a user's computer. They do not personally identify you, but do identify your browser. Cookies can be either ‘persistent’ or ‘session’ based. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer, contain an expiration date, and may be used to track your browsing behaviour upon return to the issuing web site. Session cookies are short-lived, are used only during a browsing session, and expire when you shut down your browser.

This website uses persistent cookies. They record your preferences in relation to your use of the site and provide us with other information about your enquiry that allows us to recognise your browser if you return to this website in the future. This enables WestConnex to present information that may be most relevant to you based on your previous visits. They also assist WestConnex to understand what parts of the site users find the most useful and improve the effectiveness of the website.

The cookies on the WestConnex site do not read the information on your hard drive. They do not make your computer perform any actions or make your computer send information to any other computer via the internet. WestConnex makes no attempt to associate cookies with users' names or identities. Our server cannot find out your name or email address, or anything about your computer, by using cookies.

Most browsers are set by default to accept cookies, however you can configure your computer to determine how you would prefer to interact with cookies across the internet. You may wish to set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to allow each cookie on to your hard drive, or to block cookies altogether. However, if you decide to not accept cookies set by this web site, some of the web pages may not display properly or you may not be permitted to access certain information.

You may also set your browser so that the cookies set by this web site are destroyed when your browser shuts down and no personal information is maintained which might identify you should you visit our web site at a later date. In this way, the persistent cookies set by this web site will effectively function as session cookies.

There are several techniques available for managing cookies in various browsers. Please see the help section of your browser.

There are risks associated with the transmission of information over the internet and you should therefore make your own assessment of the risks in the provision of your information to the WestConnex website.

In the secure transaction facilities available through the WestConnex website, your information is encrypted as it travels between your computer and our servers. Encryption makes it difficult for others to view your information. These facilities use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. SSL is an industry standard for secure e-commerce transactions. If your browser did not support SSL, you would not be able to access these services.

WestConnex also monitors developments in security and encryption technologies and reviews and updates its processes and procedures in line with industry standards.

Copyright in the material on this internet site is owned and controlled by WestConnex and is protected by copyright laws.

No material on this internet site may be used, reproduced, distributed, stored in an electronic or other retrieval system, adapted, uploaded to a third party location, framed, performed in public or transmitted in any form by any process whatsoever without the written permission of  WestConnex except:

  • where necessary for and incidental to viewing the material on this internet site via your web browser, or
  • as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) or other applicable laws; or
  • as permitted under (3) below; or
  • otherwise with the written permission of WestConnex.

Material on this internet site may be used and reproduced by users without charge and without permission of WestConnex provided:

  • it is used solely for non-commercial purposes; and
  • the reproduction clearly notes ‘WestConnex Pty Ltd’ as the copyright owner; and
  • the material does not include any image, photograph, logo, map, diagram, video file, sound file, computer code or script, electronic system, or software.
  • Copyright permission may be sought by contacting WestConnex in writing at

This site has been developed to ensure content is available to the widest possible audience and significant redesign has been undertaken on our site in order to meet those standards that relate to access for people with disabilities or technical constraints with their browsers and internet connections. By adhering to guidelines for accessible web design, we acknowledge the diversity of communication methods, available technologies and abilities of web-users in the community. WestConnex strives to conform with World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The public pages on this site aim to meet the criteria for AA compliance with WCAG guidelines.

For more information on accessibility standards please visit the Web Accessibility Initiative website or the Vision Australia website. Comments on the accessibility of our site are welcome and can be sent by email to

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Our website uses cookies which collect information about how you interact with our website. We use this information to give you the best experience on our website and for analysis. By clicking the 'I accept' button, you are consenting to the use of cookies. However, if you would like, you can change your cookie settings in your browser any time. For more information, please see our Cookies and Tracking Statement.