M4-M8 Link Rozelle Interchange - Air quality

Air Quality Community Consultative Committee (AQCCC)
Rozelle Interchange
The AQCCC is an advisory group that provides input and advice on matters relating to air quality on the Rozelle Interchange project. The AQCCC’s role is to provide advice and share feedback on behalf of the local community on areas relating to air quality.
Committee members review key operational and environmental documents as they relate to air quality, consider reports relating to air quality, provide input on complaints relating to air quality and share important monitoring results with their local community networks.
The committee is made up of representatives from Transport for NSW, Inner West Council, WestConnex | Transurban and members of the local communities who live near the Rozelle ventilation facility (located in Rozelle) and the Iron Cove Link ventilation facility (located on Victoria Road between Toelle and Callan Streets, Rozelle).
AQCCC meetings
The AQCCC will meet at least four times per year commencing on 5 October 2021, with meetings continuing for up to two years after the Rozelle Interchange opens to traffic - 28 November 2023.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and public health social distancing measures advised by the NSW Government, the initial meetings will be held remotely via Zoom. When COVID-19 restrictions are eased, in-person meetings will be held. After the opening of the Rozelle Interchange, all meetings will be held in-person at the WestConnex Motorway Control Centre located in St Peters.
How to contact the AQCCC
For more information please email the AQCCC at aqccc@transport.nsw.gov.au.