Terms of use

These are the terms of use for the westconnex.com.au website which is operated and hosted by WestConnex.

Use of this internet site is subject to these Terms of Use.


The WestConnex website is made available for information purposes only. WestConnex makes no representations or warranties in relation to this internet site, including without limitation:

  • As to the accuracy or completeness of the information on this internet site; or
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All persons accessing this site are responsible for assessing its relevance and accuracy or otherwise verifying the content of information accessed.

WestConnex does not accept any liability for or in respect of information provided on this site or incorporated into it by reference or any other site linked to this site.

WestConnex does not accept any liability for loss or damage incurred as a result of reliance placed upon the content of this site. Use of information and data contained on this site is at the user’s sole risk

The information on this site is subject to change without notice.

If you provide WestConnex with information or submit content to this website (such as text, photos or images) when using this site you warrant that you are entitled to provide and license the information and you license WestConnex to use, reproduce, modify and publish the information.

Any comments and content contributed by users of this website does not necessarily reflect WestConnex views. 

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